Hello past members of Tyranny!
It's wonderful you've come and check in on us with the release of WoW Classic. On behalf of the guild, we hope life has treated you all well and you should know that regardless if you were here for one tier or ten, you made an impact and helped us thrive for 13 years and counting! Even if you haven't been involved in Tyranny in years, you're still a part of it. And we would love for you to be involved in our community again.
If you're looking for the guild on classic, we're on Herod (PVP). This plan is for this guild to do raiding.
If you're looking for the guild on retail, we're on Bleeding Hollow and progression raiding. Your toons may be on our older servers we left (Lothar, Drak'tharon, Shattered Hand). Please come join us on BH!
My battletag is strife#1977 if you just want to say hello!
If you're looking to join our Discord, just whisper one of us in game for an invite link.
If you lost forum access, just request it by posting below.
You are _all_ welcome to hang out with us, and we can't wait to hear whats been up with you! Come join us!
-Skroesec (now Strafe)